The Battle of the Alamo


Resultado de imagem para public domain images for the alamo

(2018). [Image]. Retrieved from


The Battle of the Alamo was a war of land ownership between Old Mexico and Texas. It was a war full of suffering and pain. The Texan army was greatly outnumbered, in comparison to the Mexican army. The Texans needed a plan to win, their plan was dangerous, some left the fort because they did not agree. It was a war for their lives.

The main leaders and plan makers of this battle, were Davy Crockett, Jim Bowie, and for the opposing country, Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna led his troops. They all had their favorite weapons. Davy Crockett was, known for his a gun called “Old Betsy”. Jim Bowie had a sharp hunting knife, which now is called the Bowie Knife (after his last name). Santa Anna had a well-made gun, their weapons prepared them for battle.

The overall background of the Battle of the Alamo is quite interesting. It all started with the Texans driving the Mexicans out of Mexican Texas. Santa Anna, at that time, was the military leader directly under the President of Mexico. Santa Anna was filled with sadness about leaving Old Mexico and losing land to this new country called Texas. His sadness quickly turned to rage. He wanted revenge and could plan this revenge in the form of a war.

Soon, the battle started, within a few days of the war the Texans realized that they were greatly outnumbered. They needed a plan and fast before they were all killed. Their plan was to come out of hiding and pretend that there were more men than they actually had, against the Mexican army. But first, the Texans needed reinforcements to help them.

The Texans army was struggling with small numbers of men and short supplies, The Texan army was decreasing. Finally, a few reinforcements came. on February 3rd William Travis came up with 30 men along with a little artillery.

The war outlook of this was already looking gloomy, but what made it even worse was that most of the time the weather was around 39 degrees. Because of the weather, and the inhalation of the smoke from the guns the few people got sick, including James Bowie. He nearly died of sickness. Because of that, he had to turn his leadership to William Travis. The skirmishes that happened at the Alamo was horrific, the Alamo in the first week took on 200 cannonballs from the Mexican army.

On March 1, the Texans used their smarts to deceive the Mexicans, by using their guns, pretended that there were more people in the fort than there really was. During the end of the war, the Mexicans lost nine and four were injured, the Texans only lost one man. In the end, the Mexicans walked away, owning a new state and victourous (2018). Battle of the Alamo. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 May 2018].

Hakim, Joy. The History of US Liberty For All? New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2005.


There was once a old man named Fred

Who once ate a old bear named Ted

When he started to cry

Because he ate some rye

He decided to eat some bread.


Second Limerick

There was a very old car

That drove straight into a bar

When it smashed some glass

And broke it’s brass

It suddenly became ajar.

The Important Poem

The most important thing about a cloud is that it floats

It’s black and white, wet and dry,

and makes rain fall.

It’s light and fluffy like cotton candy

and paints the sky with bright colors

and you can find people, animals, and objects in it

But the most important thing about a cloud is that it floats.

Sense Poem


Feels like carpets of bright healthy grass in the sweltering air.

Looks like colorful flowers in a beautiful painting.

Tastes like a cold popsicle with sour lemonade.

Smells like flowers and pine upon the humid air.

Sounds like buzzing mosquitoes drowned out by laughter.


Free Verse: My Grandparents House

Deep in lovely tall trees,

resting on a hill, lies a house.

In that house dwells a couple.

That couple is my grandparents,

in that cozy house

with that happy couple

lives a dog.

That dog’s name is Reya,

ah Reya

such a dog_

with deep golden fur

like dripping honey.

Gentle yet protective

like a lamb

and a lion.

Protective to us

by chasing animals

gentle to us children.

What a playful

dog she was,

chasing, tackling, running.

The yard is like a decorated Christmas tree,

with toys glistening in the sun,

with a basketball hoop

as tall as a tower.

A cozy cottage

shining in the yard.

My grandparents’s cottage

that’s warm and welcoming.


original intellectual property of Ben

Alliteration A-B-C Book

A: Addy ate an apple-red apple that abducted Alex.

B: Ben ate baboons for breakfast and brunch before barfing baboons back out.

C: Callie created cool cars for car companies while cooing Cader.

D: Dawson drove doomble-toes after detaching dopey drawstrings.

E: Edgar is eating Ego Waffles “Erunch Erunch”.

F: Fred First was fith to finish Freddie’s Frankfurter contest.

G: Giggly gladiators gulp ghastly grape juice.

H:Harry Henry hurries horribly, his sister Harriet Henry hustles to the Help with Hair, hair salon.

I: Isaac likes to eat icy ice cream inside of ice pops coated in ice from Iceland.

J: Jesse jumps over Jared while juicing juicy fruit that jets over Justice.

K: Kangaroo’s kindly knit Kit Kat’s that kindly “krunch” on Kinder’s for Karry.

L: Lucy loves lollipops so much that she licks and lops the licious lollipops that linger in liquor store’s.


ABAB Pattern Poem

My Dog

When it’s late, my dog prowls the night

With a deadly glint in his eye

Seeing if there is anyone he might want to fight

Looking carefully to those who pass by.


When my dog plays ball

Seeing a streak of red and white

He won’t even come if you call

But he is a dog who is bright.


He likes to be on my bed 

Sleeping there when were away

With a feeling of dread

Wondering will they come back today?


My dog loves our fire

With the orange glow on his back

Filling us with desire

Making him hungry for a snack.



Voice Vibrations Experiment

For our experiment today we did a cup experiment which is two cups with strings. When you talk into it, your sound vibrations travel through the strings and into the cup. Since the cup is an enclosed object your voice will appear louder than when you talk. Even of you whisper the other person will hear you.

Materials are very important for science experiments because if you don’t have the right ones or don’t follow the instructions than you could really mess up. The materials that we used are 2 plastic cups for listening and talking, three meters of string for you and your partner’s voice to travel through. The string is that long so that the sounds you’re saying travel far enough. Last but not least, 1 toothpick. The toothpicks are for the strings to be attached so that the strings do not slip through the cup (which by the way has a hole in the bottom of it.)

We made the equipment for the experiment by poking a hole into each of the cups and then placed the half  toothpick with the end of the string in the hole. We needed to make sure that the toothpick held the string. We stepped back so that the string was tight. Then we tried it out by whispering anything we wanted to our partners. My partner and I had been assigned to do the experiment, I had to have help attaching the rope to the toothpick. We had to repair it once because we stepped to far back and the rope untangled from the toothpick and pulled out of the cup. For the experiment , we had to be three meters apart from our partner and whisper what we had to say. If we yelled it, or said it out loud, it just sounded like static.

One of the most important things about science is your hypothesis, which is the scientific word for a guess. It is important because it makes the person making that hypothesis think to make an educated guess. The whole point of a science experiment is to test your hypothesis . After you make your hypothesis you do your experiment and of you are right, then you don’t need to change you hypothesis. However, if your hypothesis is wrong than you may change your hypothesis and test it again.

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